Criminal Women, Misdirection, and Learning to Listen: A Conversation about the Digital Humanities
Please join us Tuesday, April 22, at 10 AM for the Digital Humanities Graduate Fellows Brunch.
Alderman Room 421
Fellows Erik DeLuca, Gwen Nally, and Tamika Richeson share their projects as well as engage in a larger conversation about collaborating around digital projects. Erik investigates the listening networks with “Community Listening in Isle Royale National Park.” His work this year has focused on digital tools to allow listeners to interact with his ethnographic composition. Gwen seeks new approaches to understanding philosophical texts through the use of language processing, topic modeling, and Naive Bayesian Analysis. Her work has dived into markers within the texts that indicate hedging or misdirection with “Processing the Dialogues.” Tamika explores black women’s lawbreaking in Civil War era Washington, D.C. to understand the racial and gendered context in which American criminal law took shape with her project, “Black Women in Civil War D.C.” Tamika seeks to use spatial narrative tools, such as Neatline, to visualize black women’s lives within the city.
Join us for brunch.
Erik DeLuca: Making music and sound art of all sorts, that entangle algorithmic and intuitive modes of composing, excites me. A major element of my dissertation, “Field(art)works: Paths to Composing,” is an ethnographic composition that explores a deep listening network between a biologist and community of wolf-listening park visitors. I volunteer for both Sensate: A Journal for Experiments in Critical Media Practice and for The Bridge PAI in Charlottesville.
Gwen Nally is a graduate student in the philosophy department. She studies Plato and teaches Bioethics. She was a Praxis Fellow in 2013, loves design, and does calligraphy.
Tamika Richeson is a doctoral candidate in History at the University of Virginia. Her work explores black women’s lawbreaking in Civil War era Washington, D.C. to understand the racial and gendered context in which American criminal law took shape. Her interests include nineteenth century social and cultural history, African American Studies, women and gender studies, digital humanities, criminal law, and public history. She currently serves on the Prince William County Historic Preservation Foundation executive board, and the President’s Commission on Slavery and the University. Tamika Richeson has recently been awarded the Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship in Women’s Studies.