
GIS Day: Wednesday, November 15

Mark your calendars, Wednesday, Nov. 15 is GIS Day (  To celebrate, all are invited to the University of Virginia Library’s Scholars’ Lab for an afternoon of events.

1PM – Presentation: ArcGIS Pro for ArcMap Users 2PM – Lightning Round Talks 3PM – GIS Day Cake

Location: Alderman Library Electronic Classroom (ALD 421, just off Scholars’ Lab)

Presentation: ArcGIS Pro for ArcMap Users

At 1PM, join us for a session on making the switch to ArcGIS Pro by our own Drew MacQueen.  This is a quick and dirty overview of the major differences between ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro. Accept your fate as we delve into the future of desktop GIS. Spoiler alert, it’s totally worth it!

Lighting Talks

Starting at 2PM, our annual tradition of lightning talks continues.  If you have never seen lightning round talks, they can be pretty entertaining: a rapid fire succession of speakers given a set, short amount of time and PowerPoint slides.  In previous years, many great presenters have shown the incredible breadth of disciplines and fields in which GIS is used in meaningful ways.

We encourage everyone, including students (UVa, PVCC and high school), researchers and practitioners in the greater Charlottesville community to contribute. In this year’s round, each speaker will be given five to ten minutes (depending on number of presenters) with a maximum of ten slides.  It is a fairly easy task to create and give a lighting round talk.  Help make this year’s event special by participating in the talks.  You can present on anything spatially related you like.  It could be about a project you have worked on, things going on at your office or just something of personal interest.

If you have any interest in participating in the lightning round talks, please email us at as soon as possible.

GIS Day Cake

Another great tradition continues.  Please join us for the GIS Day cake unveiling and partake in the feeding frenzy.

Cite this post: Chris Gist. “GIS Day - Wednesday, November 15”. Published October 26, 2017. Accessed on .