
Hello world

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I’m Amy R. Boyd, a third-year Ph.D. student in English. I am interested in the British nineteenth century, especially the intersections between literature, science, and gender, as well as theories of the novel. I took enough computer science classes as an undergraduate to complete a minor in CS, so I’m excited to have the opportunity to put my long-dormant skills to use once again. Other than my half-finished digital edition of a portion of Lewis Carroll’s Game of Logic, completed for Professor David Vander Meulen’s course on editing and textual criticism, I have not had much of a chance to marry my work in literary studies with my more tech-y interests.

I’m happy to be a part of this, even though I’m still not entirely certain what the Ivanhoe Game is or does or is could do in the future. I look forward to honing my coding skills on a humanties-centric project and finding my way as a digital humanist. And, of course, I’m happy to be a part of anything that gives me a chance to work with the other brilliant Praxis fellows.

Cite this post: Amy Boyd. “Hello world”. Published September 15, 2014. Accessed on .