
Limited Letterpress Synonym Finder

Crossposted to Amanda's blog.

I coded a quick web app for a particular book arts need: Limited Letterpress Synonym Finder. If you too also only have 1xA-Z letterpress type on hand (ie just the 26 characters of the alphabet, 1 sort per letter) and what to figure out what you can print without needing to carefully position (register) your paper and do multiple pressings between moving the letters around, you can enter words here to see only those synonyms you’re able to print (i.e. only synonyms using no more than 1 of each A-Z letter).

Screenshot of the Limited Letterpress Synonym Finder webpage linked in the post, which says "Limited Letterpress Synonym Finder. For when you only have 1 x A-Z type on hand. Finds synonyms for the word you input, removes any that use any letter more than once, then displays the rest. (Only works with single-word inputs, not phrases.)" There is a field to enter words, with the word "glow" entered in this example screenshot, followed by a "Find that subset of synonyms" button. There is a list of matching non-multiple-same-letter synonyms for "glow" shown, containing the words burn, beam, shine, gleam, and lambency. Below is a retro internet logo image:  on a black background, the text "Limited Letterpress: Synonym Finder" is in a glowing green neon Old English font.

Cite this post: Amanda Wyatt Visconti. “Limited Letterpress Synonym Finder”. Published December 15, 2024. Accessed on .