Onward and Upward
This week we wrapped up git and got started on Ruby. I’m starting to build the muscle memory with git. Although they are mostly simple tasks I can make a change in an html document, stage those changes, and then commit them to a repository in github. This feels like major progress given how I was feeling about git the first weeks. I’m also building up some basic skills with Terminal. I can quickly figure out where in my computer I am, move through directories, build directories and make new documents.
Also, the first half of “Ruby the Hard Way” went pretty smoothly. I can do basic arithmetic and am reconnecting with my former love of math. Overall I am feeling much more confident with my computer which is a nice change. For example, this past week my computer was headed toward a major meltdown. I spent a lot of time on a separate computer figuring out what could be the problem, accessed my computer infrastructure, identified the problem and then–in a shocking turn of events–FIXED IT! Certainly this is not something we learned in Praxis but one of my major goals coming into this program was feeling more comfortable using digital tools and I already feel much more confident and open to making mistakes and trying again!