Plot Your Course in Space and Time: A Look at Scholars’ Lab’s Neatline
Scholars’ Lab Speaker Series: Bethany Nowviskie & David McClure Plot Your Course in Space and Time: A Look at Scholars’ Lab’s Neatline
In January, Bethany Nowviskie, Director of Digital Research & Scholarship at UVa Library, and David McClure, Web Applications Specialist in the Scholars’ Lab spoke about Neatline.
Summary: What do you get when you cross texts and archival collections with rich, interactive maps and timelines? Neatline. Join us for a demo of current Neatline projects and upcoming features and to learn why Neatline emphasizes hand-crafted visualization and “small data” in a big-data world.
Speaker Bio: Bethany Nowviskie: Computing humanist/humane computationalist since 1996. Director of Digital Research & Scholarship at the University of Virginia Library and Associate Director of the Scholarly Communication Institute. President, Association for Computers and the Humanities and current chair of MLA‘s Committee on Information Technology.
David McClure: Web Applications Developer on the Scholars’ Lab R&D team, David graduated from Yale University with a degree in the Humanities in 2009 and worked as an independent web developer in San Francisco, New York, and Madison, Wisconsin before joining the lab in 2011. David is the lead developer on Neatline and works on research projects that use software as a tool to advance traditional lines of inquiry in literary theory and aesthetics.
As always, you can listen to (or subscribe to) our podcasts on the Scholars’ Lab blog, or on iTunesU.
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