
Scholars’ Lab Speaker Series: Gretchen Gueguen

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Scholars’ Lab Speaker Series: Gretchen Gueguen Do Digital Archivists Dream of Electronic Records? Born Digital Collections in the Small Special Collections Library

In February, Gretchen Gueguen, Digital Archivist in UVa Library’s Digital Curation Services unit spoke about the challenges to fundamental principles of the archival practice by electronic communication._.

Summary: The information age has ushered in the biggest changes in human communication since the rise of printed text. The dynamic and ephemeral nature of electronic communication presents stark challenges to the fundamental principles of the archival practice. Join us for a look at how the tradition of collecting and creating archives is facing this paradigm shift and how the historical record will be shaped for the future.

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Cite this post: Scholars' Lab. “Scholars' Lab Speaker Series: Gretchen Gueguen”. Published April 25, 2013. Accessed on January 06, 2025.