Speaker Series: Jeremy Boggs
Jeremy Boggs, last semester’s scholar-in-residence at the Scholars’ Lab, will give a talk at 2pm on Thursday, March 3. Boggs is Associate Director of Research at the Center for History & New Media at George Mason University, as well as a Ph.D. candidate in GMU’s Department of History.
During his tenure at CHNM, where he was a founding member of the THATCamp movement, Boggs has been deeply involved in developing conversations about the definition of Digital Humanities and how best to prepare scholars to work on digital projects. His Scholars’ Lab talk, entitled A Plea for Open Digital Humanities Work: or, A DH Grad Student Reflects on Years of ‘Study’, argues that defining a canonical set of skills for digital humanists is ultimately a fruitless endeavor. Instead, Boggs urges the development and promotion of digital humanities tools that are open, well-documented, and learnable, allowing scholars to create projects from these tools that carry these same characteristics. If the digital humanities community can promote a culture of open projects and toolsets, scholars will be able to explore and expand their skills by learning from collleagues’ work.
Dr. Bethany Nowviskie will act as respondent for this talk.