Tim Sherratt, Confessions of an Impatient Historian
Confessions of an Impatient Historian
On June 8th, the Scholars’ Lab welcomed visiting scholar Tim Sherratt, digital historian, web developer and cultural data hacker who’s been developing online resources relating to archives, museums and history since 1993. Tim is currently employed by the National Museum of Australia, as well as being an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Digital Design and Media Arts Research Cluster at the University of Canberra. He is one of the organizers of THATCamp Canberra and is a member of the interim committee of the new Australian Association for the Digital Humanities.
Tim’s talk investigated what happens when you equip an impatient historian with some rudimentary coding skills and a borderline obsession. Reflecting on his experiences in and around a number of Australia’s national cultural institutions, he considered how digitally-enhanced impatience can change our relationship both with our sources and the institutions that hold them.
Explore Tim’s digital tools and renegade APIs at WraggeLabs Emporium.
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