
Human Centered Design Workshop: Introduction

Event Info

  • Date: Friday, 04/1/2016
  • Time: 11:00AM-12:00PM
  • Place: Alderman Library, Room 423
  • Registration required: register here

This workshop series is for everyone who wants to “create something that is useful and will make people happy.” You will develop your own small project over four weeks, culminating in a prototype that makes you proud.  The sessions will build on each other, and you can count on a few out-of-class hours of work per week, but we promise to have a lot of fun!

In session 1, students will learn the basics of usability and human-computer interaction and get inspiration for your own project idea.

Marcus Kossatz studies Computer Science and Media at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany. He is a visiting scholar in the Scholars’ Lab, working on Histoglobe, his Master’s Thesis in Digital Humanities. Driven by the desire to create something useful and fueled by a passion for usability and human-machine interaction, he will share his experiences with you.

If you have questions, visit the Scholars’ Lab or email Marcus Kossatz at


Contact Scholars' Lab Assistant Director for Public Services Laura Miller.