- Email: bkd3p@virginia.edu
Bremen Donovan was a Praxis Fellow 2015-2016. During that role, his bio text was:
Bremen is a filmmaker and a doctoral student in socio-cultural anthropology at the University of Virginia. Her research explores how personal experiences of legal processes and public representations of justice impact individuals, communities, and practices of policing. Her dissertation focuses on the experiences of West African immigrants living in European cities, and builds on a decade of work using collaborative filmmaking methods to address issues related to justice, security, and informal networks of control. Bremen has worked for international organizations including Namati: Innovations in Legal Empowerment, the Open Society Justice Initiative, Conciliation Resources, and has contributed to media outlets such as ABC News and the Guardian. She has facilitated creative workshops for young adults in different parts of the world, from New Urban Arts and Light House in the U.S., to We Own TV in Sierra Leone, and Ciné Institute in Haiti. Bremen has an A.B. in Architectural Studies from Brown University.