- Email: jng3au@virginia.edu
- UVA Department: Art and Architecture
Jennifer Grayburn was a 2014-2015 Praxis Fellow and 2015-2016 Makerspace Technologist. During that role, her bio text was:
Jennifer is a 2015-2016 Makerspace Consultant and a 2014-2015 Praxis Fellow. She is a Ph.D. Candidate in the History of Art and Architecture and her research focuses on medieval architecture in Norse territories of NW Europe.
Research Posts & Lab Updates for Jennifer
- ISAM 2017 - Libraries are for making on 10/16/2017
- 3D Printing in the Classroom: Outcomes and Reflections on a Slavic Course Experiment (2/2) on 06/08/2016
- 3D Printing in the Classroom: Outcomes and Reflections on a Slavic Course Experiment (1/2) on 05/23/2016
- Teaching Archaeology of the Middle East in the Time of Daesh: the Merits of Incorporating Allahyari’s “Material Speculation” with 3D Printing on 03/02/2016
- 3D Printing in the Classroom: Course Assignments and the Makerspace on 02/22/2016
- Classical Archaeology and the Makerspace on 12/08/2015
- Preserving, Reconstructing, & Teaching in 3D on 09/30/2015
- Novice struggles and expert blindness: How my discomfort with PHP will make me a better instructor on 03/13/2015
- Can Ivanhoe facilitate playful learning both in and out of the classroom? on 01/23/2015
- Playing with toast: Our first Ivanhoe game on 11/18/2014
- The Digital Sea of Exchange on 09/16/2014