- When: (before 2018)-(before 2018)
- Project Link: Digital Yoknapatawpha
- Project type: Collaborations

In progress since 2011, the Digital Yoknapatawpha project is designed to explore how much - or how little; we think of what we’re doing as an experiment - Faulkner’s fictions and humanities computing can reveal about each other. It was born from the thought that 21st century students are likely to be much more familiar with electronic media and visual representations than with Modernist prose. We are building it, however, for readers rather than “users.” Our ultimate goal is to use the technology to open up digital pathways that can lead scholars and students deeper into the world Faulkner created in his 68 Yoknapatawpha novels and stories.
Currently led and hosted by IATH.
- Stephen Railton, Director
- Worthy Martin, Project Manager
- Robbie Bingler, Lead Technologist
- Doug Ross, Lead Technologist
- IATH, Collaborating Technolgists
- Will Rourk, 3D Technologies Specialist
- Arin Bennett, 3D Visualization Specialist
- Chris Gist, GIS Specialist