ISAM 2024 Conference Report
Each year educators, students, and staff of university makerspaces gather to share research, ideas and projects at the International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces conference. This was the first year since it’s founding in 2016 that the conference was held internationally, at Sheffield University in England. It was, perhaps, the international appeal that convinced several SLab Makerspace Technologists to submit a paper or project to the conference. Unsurprisingly (because these students are amazing) all of the papers and project were accepted for the conference.
It was a great conference, a fun trip, and we all did great on our presentations. The most unfortunate thing was that Link Fu came down with COVID two days before the trip and was too sick to travel with us. Resourceful as always, she recorded her part of the presentation and we were able to play that during our session.
by J.Phan and J. Truong
Recommending Makerspace Best Practices Based On Visualization of Student Use Data
by Holly Zhou and Ammon E. Shepherd
Typewriter Poetics: Creating Collaborative Memory Maps
by Qiming (Link) Fu and Ammon E. Shepherd
Mutualism between Interdisciplinary Student Organizations and Makerspaces: The Nutella Effect