- Email: colibri.alex@gmail.com
- Website: www.elotroalex.com
- UVA Department: English
Textual critic, high theory acolyte, archive rat, hard-hat Caribbeanist, Rails aficionado, conference-trotter. My thesis focuses on the evolution of the play Et les chiens se taisaient by Aimé Césaire. Other projects include: an edition of Césaire, THATCampCaribe, a better Juxta, a class on #critcode, and Prism at the Praxis Program.
He was a Scholars’ Lab Graduate Fellow 2011-2012, and Praxis Fellow 2011-2012.
Research Posts & Lab Updates for Alex
- Got Prism? on 05/07/2012
- ...and then the Herokulypse on 04/23/2012
- Wrapping up i18n on 04/03/2012
- Die Praxis-Programm on 03/28/2012
- a cukeybara sandwich on 03/19/2012
- through another prism on 03/12/2012
- teaching prism how to speak spanish and french on 02/06/2012
- Praxis, MLA 2012 and timeliness on 01/17/2012
- Model vocabularies on 12/05/2011
- giving thanks on 11/26/2011
- the hunchback of notre-prism on 11/09/2011
- report from the rails trenches on 11/02/2011
- overlapping anxieties on 10/22/2011
- design to play on 10/17/2011
- towards a geo-textual humanities on 10/11/2011
- elotroalex re-mixed on 10/02/2011
- jugando a praxis on 09/26/2011
- Mimesis and Computers on 09/20/2011
- On Demons and Prisms on 09/13/2011
- Project Reviews on 09/05/2011
- Owning up the Praxis Program on 08/29/2011