- Email: bmw9t@virginia.edu
- Website: walshbr.com
- Book: Schedule an appointment
Brandon Walsh is Head of Student Programs in the Scholars’ Lab in the University of Virginia Library. Prior to that, he was Visiting Assistant Professor of English and Mellon Digital Humanities Fellow in the Washington and Lee University Library. He received his PhD and MA from the Department of English at the University of Virginia, where he also held fellowships in the Scholars’ Lab and acted as Project Manager of NINES. His dissertation examined modern and contemporary literature and culture through the lenses of sound studies and digital humanities, and these days he works primarily at the intersections of digital pedagogy and digital humanities.
Brandon serves on the editorial board of The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy. He is a regular instructor at HILT, and he has work published or forthcoming with Programming Historian, Insights, the Digital Library Pedagogy Cookbook, Pedagogy, Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities, and Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, among others. More information can be found on his blog at walshbr.com.
Research Posts & Lab Updates for Brandon
- On the Limited Knowability of Institutions on 03/10/2025
- Digital Pedagogy in Small Bites on 03/03/2025
- Reading DH Job Ads on 02/27/2025
- Embedded Pedagogy on 02/14/2025
- Data Description and Collection on 02/10/2025
- Print-Ready Web CV on 02/03/2025
- Dream Math on 01/29/2025
- Is It Data? on 01/22/2025
- We Data: An Icebreaking Activity on 01/14/2025
- Staff teaching activity on 01/14/2025
- Staff conference activity on 01/09/2025
- Running a DH Mock Interview on 01/03/2025
- Co-Teaching Is on 12/02/2024
- Staff chapter publication on 11/21/2024
- Another Word on 11/18/2024
- Speculative Digital Pedagogies on 11/07/2024
- Staff conference speaking on 11/06/2024
- Open Learning Together on 10/28/2024
- Staff conference speaking on 10/23/2024
- What Drew Me to Digital Pedagogy on 10/14/2024
- The Bolted Desk on 10/01/2024
- How to Build a DH Scene on 09/17/2024
- Discussion that Opens on 08/30/2024
- Staff project release on 08/19/2024
- #citepedagogy to Pedagogy-driven Publishing on 08/07/2024
- Lab conference involvement on 08/05/2024
- Lab article publication on 05/31/2024
- Maximalist Digital Humanities Pedagogy on 04/15/2024
- What I'm Reading - Winter 24 on 01/17/2024
- Teaching Statement in Thirteen Images on 01/09/2024
- What I'm Reading - Fall 23 on 11/20/2023
- Jekyll Crossposting with Raketags on 11/08/2023
- Free Writing About Pedagogy on 10/31/2023
- One Concept, Ten Ways to Teach on 10/26/2023
- Praxis Hackathon Scaffolding on 10/09/2023
- Connecting Community on 09/18/2023
- Listening At Length on 09/06/2023
- Blogging Summer 2023 In Review on 08/21/2023
- Finding The Community After Twitter on 08/14/2023
- From Gaming To Writing on 08/07/2023
- A Meeting Toolkit For New Facilitators on 07/31/2023
- DH Is Teaching on 07/24/2023
- A Workflow For Remote Music Recording on 07/17/2023
- Digital Humanities And The Ellington Effect on 07/10/2023
- The Shape Of DH Work on 07/03/2023
- Jekyll Tag Clouds on 06/26/2023
- Origin Story on 06/19/2023
- Counting To Seven on 06/12/2023
- Resources for the Digital Humanist on the Go on 06/05/2023
- Questions to Ask When Applying on 05/30/2023
- Finding A Way In on 05/22/2023
- Breadth And Depth in DH Professional Development on 05/12/2023
- Lessons From The Lab: Designing Community-Forward Spaces on 04/14/2023
- Against Projecting: Planning DH Course Projects That Work For You on 03/01/2023
- Building Community And Generosity In The Context Of Graduate Education on 07/14/2021
- Announcing 'Connection Established' on 06/14/2021
- Putting The Humanities Phd To Work: Efforts At UVA on 01/21/2021
- The Programming Historian And Editorial Process In Digital Publishing on 01/15/2021
- Reading, Not Writing on 10/19/2020
- A Humanist's Cookbook For Natural Language Processing In Python on 09/10/2020
- Teaching With Big Ears on 08/19/2020
- Announcing 'Land And Legacy' on 05/13/2020
- Your Budget Is a Question of Pedagogy and Equity on 04/13/2020
- Year Of Book Blogging: Digital Humanities Pedagogy in Kind on 01/28/2020
- Digital Humanities Job Talks: Some Case Studies on 12/16/2019
- Digital Humanities Pedagogy And Opportunities For Hope on 10/17/2019
- How We Talk and Write about DH Jobs on 10/09/2019
- Getting from Here To There on 09/19/2019
- Five Verbs for Open Pedagogy on 08/07/2019
- The Life Of A (Scholars') Lab: On Community on 07/25/2019
- Making Noise In The Makerspace on 07/18/2019
- DH Pedagogy Roadshow on 06/27/2019
- A Praxis-Oriented Introduction to Digital Pedagogy on 05/30/2019
- Thirteen Oblique Strategies For Digital Pedagogy on 04/25/2019
- What's a Pedagogy, and How Do I Find Mine? on 03/28/2019
- Workshop On Reading With Command Line on 02/27/2019
- What Is Praxis Working On? on 01/10/2019
- I/O: Reading & writing as a digital humanist on 09/27/2018
- Fellowship Calls and Grad Student Professional Development on 12/14/2017
- What Should You Do in a Week? on 06/05/2017
- In, Out, Across, With: Collaborative Education and Digital Humanities (Job Talk for Head of Graduate Programs) on 03/06/2017
- Reading Speech: Virginia Woolf, Machine Learning, and the Quotation Mark on 05/17/2016
- Reflections on a Year of DH Mentoring on 12/03/2015
- Music Genre and Spotify Metadata on 09/21/2015
- Virginia Woolf, Natural Language Processing, and the Quotation Mark on 09/10/2015
- Hearing Silent Woolf on 03/25/2015
- Moving People/Linking Lives DH Symposium on 02/02/2015
- Prism in the Classroom: Questions to Frame Discussion on 09/16/2014
- Prism News - Heroku and LLC on 08/20/2014
- Washington and Lee Trip on 05/09/2014
- Arduino Rainbow Hack on 05/14/2013
- On Tasks Large and Small on 05/06/2013
- Out on a (Small) Limb on 04/17/2013
- Omniauth on 04/02/2013
- On Learning Code on 02/21/2013
- Looking Forward on 02/01/2013
- Ruby Grading 2.0 on 12/13/2012
- Grading in Ruby on 12/10/2012
- Fizzing, Buzzing on 12/10/2012
- Your Digital Life in 140 Characters on 11/27/2012
- Poster Abstract and Code Camp on 11/14/2012
- Prism Proposal: Against Anonymity on 10/23/2012
- The Direction of Prism on 10/17/2012
- Marking and Explanation in Prism on 10/01/2012
- Failure on 09/21/2012
- Hello World on 09/13/2012