Christian Howard was a Makerspace Technologist 2016-2017, Praxis Fellow 2017-2018, and Prototyping Fellow 2018-2019.
Research Posts & Lab Updates for Christian
- Twitterature: Mining Twitter Data on 10/01/2018
- Augmenting an Iconic Structure: The Rotunda on 04/12/2018
- Learning to Augment Reality on 11/21/2017
- Crafting Our Charter - praxis 2017-2018 on 09/19/2017
- /etc/rc.local on 09/12/2017
- “Gothic DH” at Washington and Lee on 03/13/2017
- Blippar and Augmented Reality Literature on 01/12/2017
- Hybrid Literature: Ruth Ozeki’s A Tale for the Time Being on 12/03/2016