- When: 2019-2020
- Project Link: Year of Blogging
- Project type:

The “Year of Blogging” was our successful 2019 challenge to increase our blog publications. The challenge started off with Brandon Walsh and Amanda Visconti committing to write one post per month throughout all of 2019. Ammon Shepherd stepped things up early on with a series of four posts on DH archiving that were co-written with other SLab and UVA Library staff.
We were able to reach our stretch goal of encouraging a broader revival of our blog, tied into a renewal of our website (migration from WordPress to Jekyll-generated static site, new content and info structure). Between January 1, 2019 and December 18, 2019, we wrote 64 essay posts—that is, posts that were intentional blogging and weren’t straight announcements of fellowships or workshops.
Amanda wrote 14 posts and Brandon wrote 13, followed by Ammon with 10 posts, Kelli Shermeyer (5), Abhishek Gupta (4), and Ankita Chakrabarti (3). The following folks each wrote 2 posts: Connor Kenaston, Brandon Butler, Janet Dunkelbarger, Jordan Buysse, Lauren Van Nest, Lauren Work, and Zijia Zeng. The following folks each contributed one post: Chloe Downe Wells, Alison Booth, Arin Bennett, Drew MacQueen, Julia Haines, Mackenzie Brooks, Mathilda Shepard, Natasha Roth-Rowland, Neal Curtis, Sam Lemley, Leigh Miller, Jasper Braun, and Will Rourk.
More stats:
- 26 people participated in authoring on our blog this year
- 15 students authored a total of 29 posts
- 7 Scholars’ Lab staff authored posts
- 6 colleagues outside Scholars’ Lab (including 1 colleague outside UVA!) authored posts on our blog: Neal Curtis, Sam Lemley, Mackenzie Brooks, Lauren Work, Brandon Butler, Julia Haines
- 7 posts were collaborations among multiple authors
External recognition
Five posts were highlighted by Digital Humanities Now! Two as “Editor’s Choice” posts…
- "Archiving DH Part 2: The Problem in Detail" by Brandon Butler, Ammon Shepherd, Amanda Visconti, and Lauren Work (link on DH Now)
- "How We Talk and Write about DH Jobs" by Brandon Walsh and Amanda Visconti (link on DH Now)
- "Thirteen Oblique Strategies For Digital Pedagogy" by Brandon Walsh
- "Workshop On Reading With Command Line" by Brandon Walsh
…and one as a recommended “resource”:
Three posts were highlighted by DH+Lib as “recommended”:
- DH+Lib writeup, for Archiving DH Parts 1 (The Problem" by Ammon Shepherd) and 2 (The Problem in Detail" by Brandon Butler, Ammon Shepherd, Amanda Visconti, and Lauren Work)
- DH+Lib writeup, for "Archiving DH Part 3: The Long View" by Brandon Butler, Ammon Shepherd, and Amanda Visconti
Visit our post covering themes and highlights to learn more or read the year’s challenge posts!
- Amanda Visconti, Director
- Brandon Walsh, Head of Student Programs
- Ammon Shepherd, Makerspace Manager and Lead Research Technologist
- Further authors listed in project description