
New Resources From The Makerspace

Workshops and Tutorials

One good thing about working remotely for a year is that I had more time to work on writing up some workshops and tutorials.

I set an ambitious goal to host five workshops this semester. My plan was to teach the workshop virtually, and take very good notes and documentation so that I can turn them into workshop guides (for anyone to be able to teach the same workshop) and tutorials (so anyone can learn the skill and make the “thing”).

I completed three workshops on the Arduino, one workshop about the Raspberry Pi and one workshop about how to easily, and freely, make a website.

I also co-taught an Architecture class this semester where I led instruction on using Arduinos. As a result of that, I put together several Arduino tutorials.

So I am presenting those here for your enjoyment and education!


A new section of the Makerspace website will list workshop resources. These resources are intended for K-12 teachers, makerspace staff, or anyone wanting to teach a workshop. The workshop resources include a slideshow and script for workshop instructors to show and follow.

The first one, The Basics of Electricity and Making a Nightlight is available now.

The Arduino

More workshop resources will follow.


A new section of the Makerspace website will list tutorials, which are self-paced guides to complete a task and learn a skill.

This past year I was able to put together three different sets of tutorials.

If you happen to go through any of the tutorials or workshops, when you come across errors or have ideas to make the text more clear, please send them along!

Cite this post: Ammon Shepherd. “New Resources From The Makerspace”. Published June 10, 2021. Accessed on .