- Website: www.ericrochester.com/
Eric Rochester was formerly Scholars’ Lab Senior Developer. During that role, his bio text was:
My interests include text processing, text mining, and natural language processing, as well as web-development and general programming.
Studied medieval English literature and linguistics at UGA. Dissertated on lexicography. Now I program in Haskell and write when I’m not building cool stuff for the Scholars’ Lab. Also, husband and parent. Do you notice that sleep isn’t on that list?
Research Posts & Lab Updates for Eric
- Neatline Implementation Grant on 08/12/2016
- Validating Data with Types on 04/20/2015
- Omeka, Neatline, Mac, development, oh my! on 08/18/2014
- Software Development for the MA Humanities Student on 02/20/2014
- Teaching Git on 11/06/2012
- Neatline Release Omnibus Edition on 11/01/2012
- Hot off the Presses 3: FedoraConnector Plugin on 10/10/2012
- Hot off the Presses 2: BagIt Plugin on 10/08/2012
- Hot off the Presses: the SolrSearch Plugin on 10/03/2012
- Code Spelunking with Ctags and Vim on 09/18/2012
- Bulk Editing in Vim on 09/06/2012
- timr: Optimizing Web Requests on 08/09/2012
- Learning and Improving on 05/31/2012
- [Insert Bad Prism Pun Here] on 05/03/2012
- Shell Programming in Haskell: Converting S5 Slides to PDF on 03/23/2012
- Acceptance Testing for Omeka Plugins on 12/02/2011
- Vim Config (and Windows) on 09/01/2011
- Vim GUI Font Magic on 08/31/2011
- Web Development Template: Rails 3.1, HTML 5 Boilerplate, 960.gs on 08/10/2011
- Introduction to Linked Open Data at Rare Book School on 07/21/2011
- Omeka Development with Vagrant on 06/17/2011
- Announcement: BagItPHP Library on 04/19/2011