SLab Out & About
SLab folks get out and about! Here’s where we’ve been over the last few months:
Bethany Nowviskie was invited to give the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities keynote address in Tokyo in September 2012 (“Too Small to Fail”) and to participate in one of Michael Bérubé’s MLA Presidential Forum events on Avenues of Access at the 2013 Modern Language Association meeting. Her invited talk was called “Resistance in the Materials.” In Boston, Bethany also participated in roundtable discussion with fellow members of MLA’s Task Force on Doctoral Study. Last semester, she and David McClure were invited to give a lecture at the University of Maryland as part of MITH’s Digital Dialogues series. That talk and demo, entitled Space, Time, and the Problem of Scale: Digital Storytelling with Neatline, took place in November 2012 and was repeated at UVa. This month, she will give a workshop, seminar, and public lecture as a Lansdowne visiting scholar at the University of Victoria.
David McClure has been traveling here and there teaching and talking about Neatline. In addition to the talk with Bethany (which they repeated at the Scholars’ Lab), he and Jeremy Boggs led a web seminar for the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education (NITLE) entitled Geotemporal Storytelling with Neatline. David also gave a two-day workshop at Beloit College and a lecture introducing Neatline at the Alabama Digital Humanities Center in October 2012 entitled Maps, Timelines, and Archives: Using Neatline to Plot Digital Collections in Space and Time.
Katina Rogers guest taught a session at Matt Gold’s graduate seminar at CUNY entitled Debates in the Digital Humanities: Towards a Networked Academy and ran a session at THATCamp CHNM on graduate education reform. Katina has also guest blogged for the ProfHacker blog, taken part in a roundtable at MLA 2013 on rebooting graduate education (along with SLab Fellow Annie Swafford), and had her work featured in the Chronicle of Higher Education (#alt-ac survey results and graduate education reform).
In January 2013, Eric Rochester spoke about digital tools in the Association for Computers and the Humanities panel on interoperability entitled Open Sesame at MLA 2013.
Nancy Kechner taught the Pharm D group at the UVa Medical Center to incorporate SPSS into their clinical research, allowing them to present their cutting edge results as Rounds and at conferences. Nancy’s also helped the Infectious Disease group to use tools provided by the SLab to further their research.
What are we looking forward to next? Digital Humanities 2013 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on July 16-19!